Main image of reasons for choosing a Japanese vocational school

Why choose to study at a vocational school in Japan


Reasons for choosing a Japanese vocational school

Know the difference and choose the best school for your studies

What is a vocational school in Japan?

What is a vocational school in Japan?

Approved vocational schools that offer specialized courses (courses for high school graduates and above). Vocational school students are eligible for student discounts for commuter passes and various scholarships, and two-year course graduates are treated the same as junior college graduates and can be transferred to universities.

Differences between Japanese vocational schools and vocational schools around the world

Differences between Japanese vocational schools and vocational schools around the world

In recent years, Japanese vocational schools have been moving closer to the German vocational school model when compared to vocational schools overseas. In order to become professionals who are not replaced by AI, the curriculum for the future will not only focus on specialized knowledge but also on developing skills such as communication and creativity, which are in demand worldwide. 21st-century academia offers relatively affordable tuition fees for European-style curricula. Additionally, they provide a wide range of fields that can only be learned in Japan, such as manga, anime, Japanese-style graphic design, and hospitality.

Comparison between vocational school and university

The table below shows the differences between vocational schools and universities.

Vocational school University
Enrolled years
1-4 years (most of the schools offer 2-year courses)
4 years
given to graduates
  • Diploma (equivalent to junior college degree)
    2 to 3 years of study
  • Advanced diploma (equivalent to bachelor's degree)
    4 years
the purpose
Cultivate the skills necessary for work and improve education
As the center of science, impart knowledge broadly, teach and study specialized arts and arts in depth, and develop intellectual, moral, and applied abilities.
Number of students in class
Up to 40 people in one class. At vocational schools, teachers can give detailed guidance to each student.
No limit on the number of people in one classroom
100% specialized subjects. Of these, 80% of the class content is practice and practical skills.
Classes consist of general subjects and specialized subjects

Survey of students entering from overseas

Introducing the reasons why you chose Japan as your study abroad destination

Why did you choose Japan as your study abroad destination?
  • There are fields that can only be learned in 1st Japan
  • 2ndTuition fees are cheaper compared to Europe, 
    and the curriculum quality is higher compared to my home country.
  • 3rdYou can learn the famous "Japanese hospitality" and
     "Japanese-quality service."
  • 4thOthers
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